This week is finally coming to an end, such a hectic week. Homework are piling up, more and more that I can hardly cope with it now.
I MUST LEARN TO PRIORITISE. I must cope with my tiredness, homework, test and lastly CCA.
I've been staying up late almost everyday of this week. There are still many that should have been done during the holiday and is now still left untouched. Am i ever going to finish the whole pile up?
I doubt.I must really not give up at this point of time. I'm trying hard.
Few more weeks to SYF AND SA1. Time is definitely not enough. GOSH!
It's not that I'm pig but I really need to take a nap. I'm tired. I never be able to get enough sleep. Mum is complaining that I'm getting up earlier and earlier in the morning. Fact is, i reach school early to finish up all my homework. I'm not playing.
Of course, i wish i can...Don't know why, I realise when i stayed up to finish up my homework, it's always turn out useless. Cause the teachers don't need it. WASTED! It's not only once, but many. Especially during this week.
Guess I'm going to spend the whole of Sunday studying with my group of friends. Hope that I can really concentrate and don't end up chatting. So I should spend the whole of tomorrow for CO and homework. There's 3 tests next week!
SA1 getting nearer, time is really precious. Must make good use of it and try my best to revise whenever I'm free. Can't believe SA1 is just 3 days after SYF. Will i have the time? Hopefully...
I think I need some confidence.